
Cabri Express, the new mathematical app

The all-in-one kit that optimizes and facilitates the teaching and learning of maths

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“Students deserve the best technology which empowers teachers to help them correctly learn mathematics…”

Studies have shown that digital mathematics resources, notably those based on dynamic mathematics are able to decisively improve the quality of learning for students of all abilities.

For this reason, Cabrilog, expert in digital education, designs, develops and distributed digital teaching resources and apps dedicated to mathematics and based on the concept of “Try it to learn it” for students and teachers from primary school to college.

Example of activity of Cabri Express on laptop

Cabri solutions are accessible from all devices and browsers

Integrating the systematic use of Cabri resources in teaching improves the students’ results.

By capturing their attention, generating their interest and directly involving them as actors in their learning, Cabri’s solutions improve the students’ results by 30%.

A study, commissioned by the Secretary of Education of Madrid was conducted as part of a research project on “Training and research on the use of information and communication technologies in mathematics for secondary education”.

This study was conducted by the researchers José María Arias Cabezas and Ildefonso Maza Sáenz on a period of 6 years,and extended to Andalusia, Castile and Leon and Castile La Mancha. The study is based on a sample of 400 teachers and 15,000 high school students.

The results, summarized in the article of January 9, 2006 in the daily “EL Pais”, reveals the positive impact of Cabri software on students’ results in learning mathematics.

On average, the researchers found an improvement in student learning in Mathematics of 25% with the new technologies, more particularly, the software Cabri, Derive, Excel and the Internet tool.

To access the study conducted by the researchers Ildefonso Mazas and José Maria Arias:

Curve noting the improvement of the results of the student using Cabri

They love Cabri

Teachers talk about Cabrilog

“If someone tells me I have to stop using Cabri, I would actually have to ask them what else is there ? Because there is nothing better than Cabri.”

Geometry teacher, Canada

“You can do no wrong using Cabri. Students can develop their mathematical reasoning and logic and may even discover things that the teacher hadn’t considered.”

Lil Engström, Associate Professor, Sweden

“Cabri software is so easy to use that any person who can use use a mouse is able to learn to use the basic tools for learning by the end of a single lesson.”

Bernardo Camou, Geometry teacher, Uruguay
More success stories

Cabri products

Cabri 3D software

1 2 3… Cabri

The collection of interactive notebooks favoring the learning of mathematics.

For primary schools.

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Cabri II Plus software

Cabri II Plus

The most used interactive mathematics app in the world by middle & high school teachers.

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icon of the app Cabri Express

Cabri Express

The free app that facilitates the learning of mathematics.

From primary to university.

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Cabri 3D software

Cabri 3D

The app that makes the 3rd dimension easily accessible to teachers as well as high school and college students.

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Logiciel New Cabri

New Cabri

The authoring tool for creating rich and interactive content in math and science.

From primary to university.

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Lastest online tutorials


Taylor Story

Taylor polynomials give rise to long formulas which are not immediately self evident. With Cabri Express, one can easily visualize the Taylor polynomials of a function and explore at which accuracy they approximate this [...]


Les polynômes de Taylor

Les polynômes de Taylor donnent lieu à de longues formules qui ne sont pas immédiatement évidentes. Avec Cabri Express, il est facile de visualiser les polynômes de Taylor d’une fonction. Découvrez l’application / gratuitement [...]


Puissance NVO

Exemple d'activité mathématique réalisée avec Cabri Express. Un groupe de super-héros géants aiment traîner dans le désert de Sonora à l’âge adulte. Il leur faut 2 ans pour atteindre leur taille gigantesque maximale. Un [...]


Une histoire de pesanteur

Exemple d'activité produite sur Cabri Express: Une balle tombée du haut de la tour Eiffel frappe le sol après quelques secondes. Quelqu'un de New York veut lancer une balle de la dernière histoire de [...]


FoodboxStory with Cabri Express

Après une catastrophe naturelle dans un pays éloigné, une association décide d’envoyer des cartons d’aliments de base. Toutes les boîtes sont fabriquées à partir de feuilles de carton carrées identiques. 

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You can also contact us by mail:
CABRILOG SAS 122 avenue du Vercors 38600 Fontaine FRANCE
Cabrilog also answers you by:
+33 (0) 4 76 43 97 00
And Fax
+33 (0) 4 76 86 17 90.
* Office hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.30am to 12pm (France hours).
Attention: the standard is closed on Tuesday all day.

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